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Diabetes Outlook

Diabetes: How Well Are You Managing?

So, your doctor gave you some advice on changing the way you live. Now you're at home thinking, "How am I supposed to do all that?" Eat low-fat stuff? Exercise! It's too much! Who wants to live like that? Take heart! There's a way to get started. The secret to success is to make one small step at a time. Think about one thing you can change today.

Look for the foods you love in low-fat versions and "light" foods that often have little to no sugar, and choose them. Pick up some fresh or frozen veggies and beans, so you have them on hand when you want to cook dinner. Experiment with whole grain pasta! There's something for everyone. You'll be surprised how many yummy, healthy foods you can find! And did you know that you can eat more often when you have diabetes? Three meals and two scrumptious snacks a day! So, plan for great munchies. How about a bowl of whole grain cereal and low-fat milk?

Think exercise is not your thing? Think again! You know you have rhythm. You know you have moves! And your hips will do their thing when the music gets hold of you. You guessed it! Dancing is great exercise. Have fun! After all that action, pamper yourself! Diabetes can hurt your teeth, eyes and your feet. Don't forget to brush and floss. Make an appointment to get an eye exam. And check your feet for blisters or sores. Use some body lotion to soothe tired feet and relax.

You've done a great job! Change is never easy. But you can do it! One step at a time!

The contents of DiabetesOutlook.com are intended solely for informational purposes and do not replace the advice of your physician or diabetes care team. You should not rely on any information provided by DiabetesOutlook.com without also consulting your physician. DiabetesOutlook.com maintains all information collected in accordance with applicable law.

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