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Diabetes Outlook

The Importance of Managing Diabetes

You know that bothersome neighbor? The one that cuts the lawn when you want to sleep and hangs over the fence when you have friends over. Well, diabetes is a lot like that. It’s always around and it really can make a mess of your life - if you let it!

Blood Glucose

Having too much sugar—or as your doctor says, glucose—in your blood keeps your body from doing what it’s supposed to do.

  • Your blood does not circulate well.
  • You can get high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • You might even lose your eyesight, your toes, feet or your legs.
  • Your kidney function can fail and require dialysis.
  • And, because diabetes also hurts your nerves, you may have to live with constant pain.

Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?

Take Control By Learning About Diabetes

Well, it doesn't have to be so scary if you take charge of your diabetes now. Over the next several weeks we will send you a series of short artcles with important information about how you can gain better control of diabetes.

Once you know the facts, you'll be in a much better position to help youself!

The contents of DiabetesOutlook.com are intended solely for informational purposes and do not replace the advice of your physician or diabetes care team. You should not rely on any information provided by DiabetesOutlook.com without also consulting your physician. DiabetesOutlook.com maintains all information collected in accordance with applicable law.

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